Habilitationsverfahren und Post Doc Betreuung:
Mitglied der Habilitationskommission: Dr. Ahmed Abdel Raheem, Bremen University. Principles of Multimodal Pragmatics
Post Doc Stipend : Dr. Adeiza Isiaka, University of Toronto. Nigerian Diasporic Spaces: Rethinking Digitality, Language and Mobility. Hansewissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst.
PhD Supervisor/Betreuung von Doktorand:innen:
Dissertation: Yulia Khan, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (mit Prof. Norris and Prof. Higgins). A comparative analysis of identity construction in change among Sakhalin Koreans in New Zealand, Russia, and South Korea
Dissertation: Yingji Yang, UM Malaysia Kuala Lumpor (mit Dr. Ang Pei Soo), Self-deprecation in Mandarin conversations from a multimodal interactional perspective
Habilitationsverfahren und Post Doc Betreuung:
Mitglied der Habilitationskommission: Dr. Ahmed Abdel Raheem, Bremen University. Principles of Multimodal Pragmatics
Post Doc Stipend : Dr. Adeiza Isiaka, University of Toronto. Nigerian Diasporic Spaces: Rethinking Digitality, Language and Mobility. Hansewissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst.
Gutachterin ausgewählter Master Arbeiten
Article errors of L1 Russian and German L2 English learners (Polina Saavaleva, Co-Supervision with Marcus Callies)
An Analysis of Changes of Women's Images on Cover of Women of China (1994-2021) from the Perspective of Visual Grammar (Shuting Ge, Bremen University)
Language attitudes and variation in Cameroon English (Frank Nankep Nana, Bremen University)
Code-switching als sprachlicher Ausdruck der Identität.
Eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung mündlicher Kommunikation in bilingualen Familien (Victoria Kirshon, MA Thesis, Potsdam University)
Politeness in intercultural business email communication: How culture influences request realization in situations of time pressure (Giorgia Miniutti, MA Thesis, Potsdam University)
Twitter and Social Media in Politics: Russia and the USA (Maria Matveeva, MA Thesis, Potsdam University)
How Do YouTubers speak? An Analysis of Speech in Let’s Play Videos. (Lea Krüger, MA Thesis, Potsdam University)
Multimodal Identity Construction in the Graphic Novel and its Adaptation in the Film Persepolis (Rumiya Izgalieva- with John Bateman, Bremen University)
Gewalt in der Sprache. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Political Correctness im Diskurs nicht-rassistischer Handlungen (Tahmasebi- with Christel Stolz)
Dynamik des EFL Klassenraums: Alter als ein dominanter Faktor in der Sprachmodifikation von Lehrkräften (L. Carstens- with Sabine Doff)
Humor and Politeness in Customer Service Situations in British Comedy
How can I say things that are pictures:
A stylistic analysis of subjective memory in Toni Morrison's Beloved and
its cinematic adaptation (M. Haas- with John Bateman)
Wandel der betrieblichen Interessenvertretung im Zuge von Reorganisationsmaßnahmen verdeutlicht am Beispiel der Gruppenarbeit im deutsch-britischen Vergleich (N. Kastner)
German Hip-Hop and Linguistic Identity of Migrant Youth
Erstgutachterin für ausgewählte BA Arbeiten:
English teachers’ attitudes towards Afican English varieties at secondary schools in Bremen
Challenging Narratives: How Non-Dominant Groups Resist Othering of White Heteronormative Discourses on Instagram
Language Attitudes: Ghanian English
The variation of age and the correlation of anglicisms in youth language
A linguistic analysis of British ministers’ question evasion in interviews about the Covid-19 pandemic
A corpus-based analysis of queer language in FX´ TV series Pose
A Linguistic Analysis of the Language in Beauty Product Reviews on YouTube
A critical discourse analysis on the movie the BlacKKKlansman
Post Football Match Interviews: A comparison between English, Spanish and German
A corpus linguistic comparison of song texts from 1993 and 2016
Changing Conceptions of Gender in Hip Hop Music (V. Fischer- with Karin Esders)
Anglicisms in German Menues- Social Stratification of Restaurants and Language Use (J. Brandt- with John Bateman)
Ending the Silence: Struggling with Homosexuality in the U.S. Armed Forces (L. Dierks- with Karin Esders)
Spanish English Codeswitching in US-American Movies
Multimodality in Social Advertising
The Semantics of Football News Headlines
The Semantics and Pragmatics of Intensifiers in Celebrities' Interviews
Humor and Gender in American Sitcoms "How I met your mother" and "Friends"
The Function of Pronominal Deixis in Political Debates
Language attitudes towards English and Chinese in Hong Kong
Language and power in intercultural communication
Zweitgutachten BA Arbeiten (Auswahl)
Digital Blackfacing and Racism in GIF Culture
Multimodality in Children's Advertising
Swearing in Irish English
The influence of media on personal satisfaction with body shape
African American and Asian American stereotypes in the media
Anglicisms in the German youth magazine 'BRAVO' and how German
teenagers use Anglicisms in their speech
The politeness of salespersons on the telephone in areas of German cities that are and are not highly frequented by international tourists
The use of "Denglish" in social online networks Facebook and Studi-VZ
Good Scientific Practice and Writing, NIT, Northern Institute of Technology,
WS 2020/2021 und WS 2021/2022
Intercultural Factors, Hamburg School of Logistics, Kühne University, Master of Business Administration MBA Programm (5 Jahre: 1-2 Seminare im WS)
WS 2006/2007
Discourse Strategies in Interviews, Bucerius Law School, Otto Bernsheim School of Management, Hamburg, Master of Business and Law, M.L.B. Programm
Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, HWP, Hamburg, Master of International Business Administration Programm (MIBA)
Intercultural Communication and Management, Universität Hamburg, Master of International Business and Economics with China Focus (MIBE)
Cultural Studies, Autumn School, International Center of Graduate Studies (ICGS), Universität Hamburg, Master of Education Programm (1 Woche Kompaktseminar)
History of Germany after 1945, Spring School, International Center of Graduate Studies, Universität Hamburg, Master Programm
Intercultural Communication, NIT, Northern Institute of Technology, Hamburg-Harburg, MBA Programm (5 Jahre: 2-3 Seminare im WS)
Interkulturell kompetente Führungskommunikation, Kultusministerium Hannover, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Studieninstitut Niedersachsen
Interkulturelles Training, Hochschulübergreifendes Projekt zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz Studierender, HOPIKOS, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft , Regelmäßige Teilnahme von graduierten Berufstätigen
Interkulturelles Training, International Office, Universität Bonn
Writing an Academic Journal Article, Promotionszentrum, Universität Bremen
Academic Conference Presentation Skills, Promotionszentrum, Universität Bremen
Interkulturelle Diversity, Leibniz Universität Hannover, WA Weiterbildungsstudium Arbeitswissenschaft
Interkulturelle Kompetenz im Management „Referent/in für internationale Geschäftsbeziehungen und Interkulturelles Management", Arbeitsstelle für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung,
Universität Hamburg (4 Semester: Lehre und Prüfungsausschuss)
Interkulturelles Training, Hochschulübergreifendes Projekt zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz Studierender, HOPIKOS, Universität Hamburg (7 Jahre: 2 Seminare/Semester)
English Reading and Writing, Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, USA (1 Seminar: Intermediate, 1 Seminar Advanced)
Grammar and Communication, Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, USA (1 Seminar: Beginning, 1 Seminar: Advanced)
Reading and Vocabulary. American Language Program, Hayward State University, USA (2 Seminare)
Communication Skills and American Culture (2 Seminare) UC Berkeley, USA
English Listening and Pronunciation, UC Berkeley, USA